martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


I remember the first time I entered the small center. I was on primary school, and we visited the Néstor Almendros, and I got so excited that I wanted to be there already, but as I started the lessons I realized how wrong I was. It was really hard and it was the first time in my life failing a subject for Christmas.
I was the "small" of the school again and I was scared of older people.
I remember that I was a shy boy in a room with just a few friends, and my life was based on school marks, but little by little I started to know the people of my class and then school marks went to a secondary role.
My English teacher was always speaking english, but I got used to it, and I learnt a lot of english without having to go to english classes out of the school.


It all started when I heard that people coursing a scientific bachillerato would have the opportunity of doing an exchange with Amsterdam. I have always liked going abroad and doing exchanges. I had gone already to Wales and to Cambridge, but I wanted more.
The problem was that only twenty people could go to Amsterdam, and I thought I would not be one of them, but I was wrong. I was chosen to go to Amsterdam.
I was sixteen years old when I went to Amsterdam, and I was going with a lot of good friends. We had already hosted our exchange people and now it was our turn.
I was very excited to go to Amsterdam. Our friends there had told us that they had bought tickets for some discos, and I liked that idea.
That trip was not much cultural, but fun. In the mornings we were with the teachers, so in the mornings we did the cultural trip. We visited Anne Frank's house and Volendam Park, and even the Red Light District. But when teachers were not with us, we did the fun trip, going out to party and have fun.
Amsterdam's has been the best trip in my life, not only for the city, but for the people that came with me.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012


When you get to know a teacher as well as my bilingual group knows Mª Paz, you end up losing the fear of getting caught cheating in an exam.
If you are a student at IES Nestor Almendros and you are so lucky to attend Mª Paz Derri's lessons, you will know for sure how easy it is to cheat in her exams.
We had a Physics exam in 2º ESO and  I knew it would be difficult to pass without cheating so I decided to do it in spite of being a hardworking student.
I was afraid of cheating and being discovered so I did it carefully. Two weeks before the exam I brought toilet paper to the class so the teacher got used to seeing it. I told her that  I needed it for blowing my nose.
I wrote the theory we had to study on the back side of the toilet paper and took it to the exam. When I finished cheating, I threw it away to the bin before the exam finished. But then Bufa asked me about an exercise and I couldn't take the toilet paper back so I wrote it again on a new piece of toilet paper and  threw it to him -he was sitting in the far end corner of the class!- and Mª Paz didn't realize what was going on. She thought he just wanted to blow his nose!!
For all of you who want to cheat in an exam, this is my piece of advice: get to know the teacher first. If her name is Mª Paz and she is a Physics teacher, you will be successful for sure.

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012


        I remember I did not know too many people when I started 1º ESO. I just knew three or four people in class that came from the same primary school. At the end of the school year I had made friends with all the class, but Pablo and Sendra were my best friends in class.
       We have lived too many experiences all together, and I have had experiences with each of them
       As time passed, Pablo became my confident and one of my best friends ever. I have lived many experiences with him and I know there will be more.
       Sendra was a good friend until last year when we started to plan things we both wanted to do and, in the end, have done. We have lived an experience that has joined us a lot, and now he is one of my best friends.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Marisa's Lessons

When the bilingual group entered 4th of ESO, evreyone had to attend French lessons compulsory, which were taught by Marisa.
Marisa was a nice teacher and she used to treat as well and make her teaching periods as funny and entertained as she could.
One day she said we were going to watch a film. We watched an old musical movie called 'Les choristes'. It was a film we all liked a lot.
As we all liked the movie and the songs in it, we wanted to learn all the songs, and Marisa decided to spend the next few days learning the songs and from that day on to the end of the school year we stopped the lessons twenty minutes before just to sing all the songs.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

The book of totally useless information

I have read this book because I needed to relax from my final exams and the best way to relax is to do something funny or interesting.
The book has a lot of information, most of them are short explanations of stupid questions that nobody would never ask, for example, "Why is 'posh' a word used to describe something elegant or fashionable?", or "why aren't typewriter or keyboard keys arranged in alphabetical order?"
I have found this book entertaining and funny. It has taught me a lot, and the information you get is not boring most of the time so you can talk with your friends about it and laugh with them.
I would recommend this book for people who has nothing to do and are bored. You can even read it when you have no time because there are too short explanations and you can read each explanation in 2 minutes or 3.
When my sister gave me this book that she brought from the US, I thought I would not read it because I had no time, but in the end, when the hot weather and summer came I finally made an effort and I'm satisfied with my decision.

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012


Bueno, en este proyecto para el tercer trimestre hemos tenido que partir de la siguiente idea: "Te imaginas...?". Todo consistía en a partir de esa idea, dar rienda suelta a nuestra imaginación y hacer una representación en la que expusiéramos un tema el cual nos gustaría que fuera así.

En nuestro caso, hemos escogido el siguiente tema: "¿Te imaginas que las cosas pudieran ser de otra manera?" con otros dos subtemas que son : "¿Te imaginas que los roles entre el hombre y la mujer cambiaran?" y "¿Te imaginas que pudiésemos solucionar nuestros problemas con música?".
Nos pareció buen tema porque siempre pensamos qué hubiera pasado si hubiésemos escogido otra opción o, simplemente, que las cosas fueran diferentes. Además cogimos los temas de la mujer y de los problemas porque últimamente son temas de moda y creímos que sería una buena idea para llevarlo al terreno de la representación y del humor.